1400 MDL


"Hyalgel" is a unique preparation based on sodium hyaluronate without analogues. The optimum composition of active substances contained in "Hyalgel" makes it an efficient and safe remedy for the treatment of osteoarthrosis and other affections of articulations in usual application without injections or any special physiotherapeutic procedures. The successful experience of curative application of "Hyalgel" has been proved also in the treatment of vertebral osteochondrosis and disk radiculitis.



"HyalGel" contains biologically active substances of vegetal and animal origin, such as: Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin sulfate, extract of Boswellia. The gel basis of HyalGel is constituted by the metal-organic anti-inflammatory cutaneous conductor – titan glycerosolvate aquacomplex.


Pain and limited mobility associated with degenerative-dystrophic and traumatic changes in the knee, shoulder and other large sinovial articulations. Used for the local therapy of I-IIIrd degrees of osteoarthrosis, as well as for the treatment of secondary arthrosis at patients with arthritis of various origins in remission. Osteoarthrosis of small articulations, including of wrists, plants, elbow articulations. Used by the patients leading an active lifestyle and regularly overloading the affected articulations.


HyalGel is recommended for wide use in curative practice for the treatment of osteoarthrosis and other affections of locomotion apparatus. The new preparation does not require any special curative procedures whatsoever, it has a complex action without adverse effects and combines in itself only the advantages of existing methods of treatment of osteoporosis and other affections of locomotion apparatus.


Apply a small quantity of gel (one tube contains 4 g of gel) uniformly in a thin layer on the clean and moisturized skin on the respective portion of body without hard rubbing once in 2-3 days. The gel consumption is 0,6 – 0,7 g per 100 square centimeters of skin, further increase of gel consumption does not result in a better curative effect. One tube is sufficient for the treatment of an at least one large articulation. HyalGel is applied uniformly on all sides of the affected articulation. It is not recommended to wash off the HyalGel applied on the articulation for at least 12 hours. In order to attain the maximum effect it is recommended to apply 4 to 8 tubes of HyalGel (1-2 packages) per course. Upon necessity Repeat courses are administered after 3-6 months.


Individual intolerance of gel components.


Keep in a dry place protected against light, at temperatures of 0 to +20°С.



Ingridients: Sodium hyaluronate, titanium glycerosolvate aquacomplex (Tizol), boswellia extract, chondroitin sulfate

Usage effeciency

Proven by clinical researches

HyalGel is recommended for wide use in curative practice for the treatment of osteoarthrosis and other affections of locomotion apparatus. The new preparation does not require any special curative procedures whatsoever, it has a complex action without adverse effects and combines in itself only the advantages of existing methods of treatment of osteoporosis and other affections of locomotion apparatus.

The most similar to HyalGel are the preparations of macromolecular sodium hyaluronate - "Ostenil", "Fermatron" and "Sinocrom". However, alike the mentioned preparations, HyalGel does not require any intraarticular injections and has pronounced anti-inflammatory, chondroprotective and sedative properties and what’s also important – significantly cheaper.

HyalGel contains biologically active substances of vegetal and animal origin: sodium hyaluronate, Chondroitin sulfate, extract of Boswellia. These active substances are successfully used for the treatment of articular affections. The gel basis of HyalGel is constituted by titan glycerosolvate aquacomplex ("Tisol"). As a complex metallic compound, Tisol has its own anti-inflammatory action, the presence of bound molecules of glycerin and titan atoms provides the protective, antiedemic and local analgesic action, it positively affects the contents of sinovial liquid. However, the Tisol’s main property is its cutaneous conductivity, ability to penetrate via mucous tunics and even bone tissues to the depth of up to 8 cm. Tisol delivers the medical drugs into the pathological nidus, without destroying the tissues and then fully releases them. It forms stable complexes with other active substances contained in HyalGel with preservation of all their curative properties. As the cutaneous conductivity of Tisol exceeds 4 cm, over 80% of active substances contained in HyalGel penetrate via the articular capsule into the cavity of any sinovial articulation and they saturate with active substances all the articulation tissues and the sinovial liquid.